Thursday, May 10, 2012

Recap Blog 6: Birthday on STINT

While the fellow members of my STINT team are my co-workers in the ministry that I do at UH Hilo, during our hours not on campus they are also my family while I’m on the Big Island.  That meant when my birthday rolled around in March, they were ready to celebrate me, STINT-style.

My birthday began with my team “love-bombing” my door while I was asleep the night before.  We make personalized door decorations for each person’s birthday on our team.  Amanda’s door was covered in Star Trek insignia signs, Christine’s in Hello Kitty pictures, and Sarah’s was covered with chocolate.  I opened my door that morning to find my door decorated with a poster covered with haikus my team had written about me.  That was pretty spectacular.

One of the haikus posted on my door by my STINT team.  Aww.  Poetry in motion!

That night they got me dinner from Full Moon CafĂ©, a Thai restaurant that’s my favorite place in Hilo.  Everyone came over and we all did some line dancing; Katie taught Slappin’ Leather and I taught Wild Wild West and our team danced around the living room.  There aren’t a ton of places for me to dance in Hilo, and even where there are I didn’t really have friends there yet, so it was really special for me to get to dance with my friends that night.

Then it was time for cake and presents.  Christine and Kimiyo had MacGyvered a black forest cake although we lacked some pans and necessary ingredients for the real deal.  Tasty.  I also received the Super Mario Bros. movie on DVD (“It’s a Blast!” reads the box.  Seriously hilarious.), a TIE-fighter Lego set, samurai sword chopsticks and Boggle.  (I challenge anyone reading this to a match of Boggle.  It’s one of my favorite games and no one I know seems to like it as much as I do.  Sad day.)  Graciously my team played a few rounds of Boggle with me before bowing out and heading home for the evening.

That weekend I got to pick an activity for us to do, and so we ventured out to the volcano fields out at Volcano Park down south of us.  

Volcano fields.  We were standing on what was once flowing lava.
It was an incredible place, and one of the most unique landscapes I have ever seen.  The rock underneath you is black and porous.  Everywhere you can see where the ground was once flowing, and how it piled up in ripples and then cooled into solid masses.  You can see where the hot liquid lava took one route or another, and how it cracked and created crevasses once it became solid again.  The fields are right next to the ocean, so there is a cool, strong ocean breeze crossing over the fields all the time.  We walked out to where the cooled lava met the ocean, and watched the powerful waves crash and break on the black rocks.
Christine and I enjoy the ocean spray

The land looks desolate—across from the volcano fields there are forests, but here the vegetation was all burnt and destroyed from the molten rock covering everything.  But even though the black sand doesn’t look like it could produce anything, spots of green shoot up and stand out in the otherwise barren landscape.  We passed a lot of coconuts that had sprouted and were growing new trees.  As the light faded, we had to break out our flashlights, but further up on the mountain we could see the glow of red hot lava.  It was distant, but every once in a while it gave off a spurt of light.  Hopefully I’ll get a chance to see some more lava up close before I leave.

New life growing in the volcanic soil
All in all it was definitely a memorable birthday and one of my better ones.  The cake might not have been quite right and I was far from home, but it was a birthday where I felt known and celebrated.  And to me, that’s a good birthday.  

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